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Student Handbook/Code of Conduct

Hidden Valley Middle School

Student Handbook

Hawk Emblem

Welcome to the Hawk's Nest

Welcome to Hidden Valley Middle School, the proud home of the Hawks.The information in this student handbook has been prepared to answer questions you may have about your school. We hope you take advantage of the many learning opportunities and activities provided at HVMS and do all you can to make it a safe, enjoyable place to be. We also hope that you have a fantastic school year!

Our mission: "Stay Student Centered"

Our vision is to promote academic excellence and build self-advocacy while nurturing students’ social, emotional, and behavioral well-being. 

Each letter of the word “TALON” represents a trait. We hope as you live the TALON TRAITS you will soar here at HVMS.


T-    Takes responsibility

A-   Accepts all people and differences

L-    Listens and learns

O-   On-time and prepared

N-   Never gives up, stays strong


  • Positive referrals- When they see the great things their students are doing in class, teachers often write a positive referral. Those students who receive a positive referral will get called down to the office for a prize.
  • TALON Tender- TALON Tender is our school's “money,” which teachers give to students who are demonstrating the TALON Traits.
  • TALON Tender Drawings
  • DREAM TEAM- All around great students will be invited to have breakfast with the administration. 
  • Hawk of the Day-Each day, a faculty member, counselor, or administrator will recognize one boy and one girl for this award.
  • Hawk of the Quarter-Two students from each grade will be chosen by the faculty and honored in a breakfast as the students best exemplifying the TALON traits each quarter.
  • Honor Roll Recognition-Students who have a 3.5 GPA will receive recognition for their efforts each quarter with a certificate.
  • End of Year Awards of Excellence-Grade-level awards assemblies are held to recognize students for their successes in multiple areas throughout the year.


We invite you to get involved in the numerous programs that HVMS has to offer so that you can learn more, make friends, and feel connected. Some of the activities we have available are:

  • After School Clubs
  • Art Fair
  • Band concerts
  • Book Club
  • Choir concerts
  • Chalk the Walk
  • “Choose Kind” Student Ambassadors
  • Computer programming
  • Dance performances
  • ESports
  • Lunchtime intramurals
  • National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)
  • Orchestra concerts
  • PTSA / memory book
  • Reflections
  • School play
  • Stage crew
  • Student government
  • Talent Show
  • Theater Productions
  • Other programs soon to be announced



Teacher advisory (TA) is a time for students to meet with their TA teacher to discuss/check grades, work on missing assignments and develop relationships with an adult advocate.  It is also a time for students to receive targeted interventions through “Attack Time.” 


Behave respectfully and appropriately during assemblies:

  • Sit with your teacher
  • Electronic devices put away
  • Feet and hands to self
  • Feet on floor, not on seats or seat backs


Utah law requires that students attend school every day, every period, except when a parent excuses an absence for a legitimate reason. HVMS will begin truancy tracking procedures once a student has missed 10 school days or 80 class periods. A legitimate excuse from school must be in the form of a note from a doctor, dentist, orthodontist, or another medical professional. Parents are encouraged to send a note or email or to call the school in order to acknowledge that they are aware of the student’s absence. The student must make up all missed work according to the school’s make-up policy.

Checking in/out: If a student arrives less than 10 minutes late to school, they must go directly to class and will be marked tardy. If a student arrives more than 10 minutes late to school, they must check-in at the attendance office. If it becomes necessary for a student to leave school for any reason during the school day, they must sign out through the attendance office. A parent or person listed as an emergency contact on Skyward must come into the attendance office and show a picture ID in order to check the student out. Students are not allowed to check out solely with a note or phone call from a parent. Students should only leave school grounds with a parent/guardian after being checked out through the Attendance Office. Students who leave school grounds without being checked out are considered truant.

Educational Leave: Students may apply for up to 10 days of educational leave per school year. The parent should contact the attendance office at least three school days before taking leave, pick up an Educational Leave Form, and return the form to the attendance office before leaving on vacation. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and make up work missed during educational leave.

Home and Hospital: If a doctor writes an order for the student to be out of school for over 10 school days, the parent needs to contact the attendance office to arrange for home-and-hospital teaching services. The doctor’s note must contain a diagnosis, a treatment plan, and a return-to-school date. The note must be provided to the attendance office before home-and-hospital instruction can begin.

Tardiness: HVMS follows a school-wide tardy policy. All teachers use the same definition for tardy: You are tardy if you are not in class and ready to work when the bell rings. Parents can only excuse a tardy to the first period which can be done by contacting the attendance office or providing a note upon check-in. Repeated tardiness also negatively affects your citizenship. School consequences can be given for excessive tardiness. 

Truancy: Truancy (“sluffing”) is not being in class when you should be. The best place for all students to be is in class every period.  School consequences will be given for truancy.

Truancy can mean any of the following:

  • Leave school without checking out through the attendance office
  • Leave school without parent permission
  • Arrive at school but do not attend one or more classes
  • Obtain permission to go to a certain place but do not report there
  • Stay home without parents’ knowledge
  • Leave class without permission
  • Arrive to class more than 10 minutes late or leave class early without teacher permission

Withdrawal from School: When students move outside the school boundaries, they need to withdraw from HVMS. This process includes obtaining a withdrawal sheet from the attendance office, receiving clearance from each teacher, returning all textbooks, cleaning out lockers, and paying any fines. Failure to complete all of these steps may result in delay or denial of credit.



Students are encouraged to carry backpacks. Please keep your backpack with you at all times.  Backpacks should be placed on the back of your chair in the classroom and should not be left on the floor near your desk. Backpacks should never be left unattended in hallways or by hall lockers. Students with classes in the dance/fitness room/gym areas should store their backpacks in their hall lockers.


We want you to feel safe at school so that you can learn. When someone unintentionally says or does something that is hurtful and is not repeated that is RUDE. When someone intentionally says or does something hurtful and is not repeated that is MEAN.

When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful, it is repeated and they keep doing it and there becomes an imbalance of power-- even when you tell them to stop or show them that you are upset -- that is BULLYING. It can be physical, verbal, emotional, or cyber.  It can involve: telling offensive jokes; derogatory statements about a person’s ethnicity, race, gender, beliefs, etc.; inappropriate touching; lewd gestures or actions; threatening language or behavior; sexual comments; and unwelcome taunting.

 What should you do if you are feeling bullied?

  • Tell them to stop
  • If that doesn’t work, tell an assistant principal or school resource officer, or report it on the Safe UT app. If you remain silent, nobody will know and you will continue to suffer.  

Consequences for those who bully can include but are not limited to in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, and police involvement.


You qualify for bus transportation if you live two miles or more from the school and within our school boundaries. The District has identified what areas qualify for busing. Students eligible for busing can find their bus assignment and bus stops in Skyward. Students who do not qualify to ride the bus may be allowed to do so if there is space available and the district approves a bus request for that student. Students are only permitted to ride their assigned bus. Bus audits are conducted regularly throughout the school year. Students not riding their assigned bus may lose riding privileges.

Follow the bus driver’s directions. Misbehavior on the bus, at a bus stop or not riding your assigned bus may lead to school consequences, including loss of riding privileges. Transportation is not guaranteed.


Breakfast and lunch are provided daily and can be purchased at a cost of:

Breakfast $1.25

Lunch $2.25

Students that would like a second lunch may purchase one for $3.50. Additional milk may be purchased for $.30 each. Funds must be available in the student's lunch account in order to make this purchase. If you need to make a deposit to your lunch account to purchase ala carte items you may do so in the main office before school (drop-off box). You will not be able to make cash deposits with the lunch cashier as you are buying your lunch. Vending machines are also available, but you use them at your own risk. There will be no refunds.

Follow school expectations and adult directions, namely:

  • Treat the cafeteria staff respectfully. Remembering “thank you” goes a long way and helps others feel valued.
  • Wait your turn. No cutting in line. Students who cut in line will be moved to the back of the line.
  • All food must be eaten in the cafeteria.
  • Clean up after yourself.
  • Stay in designated areas.


We know that technology is a fantastic tool to help you learn, which is why we offer Chromebooks and other technology for our students to use. However, we know that technology also has the potential to distract your focus away from learning. We want technology to enhance your education, not distract from it. Distractions can include (but are not limited to) texting, social media, off-topic searches, and listening to music when you need to be listening to teacher instruction.

As a result, the use of cell phones, headphones, and other personal electronic devices is not allowed during the school day, except during hall breaks and lunchtime (your own lunch). There may be times when an individual teacher allows you to use a device in his or her classroom for educational purposes, but that is the exception -- not the rule. Also, please note: electronic device use is never allowed in locker rooms and should be stored in the students' hall locker.

If students use electronic devices at inappropriate times or for inappropriate reasons, the device may be confiscated and turned over to the administration, as follows:

  • 1st confiscation:
    • The student may pick up the device at the end of the day in the Attendance Office
  • 2nd (or more) confiscation:
    • Parent is contacted
    • A parent may be required to pick up the device in the Attendance Office
    • Possibly more consequences


Cheating in any form is unacceptable. If a student cheats on an assignment/assessment, the teacher will contact the parent to notify them that their student will be receiving a zero until the student works out an alternate assessment with the teacher. In addition, the student will receive a deduction in their citizenship grade. Individual teachers will determine how the student is able to redo the work.

Plagiarism is taking someone else's work or ideas and claiming them as your own. Instead, complete your own work and properly cite any works used in your assignments or assessments. Students who plagiarize will receive a zero on the assignment and a deduction in citizenship. Individual teachers will determine how the student is able to redo the work.


Chromebooks will be issued to every student at HVMS. Each student will keep the same Chromebook the entire time he/she is a member of the Hidden Valley student body. The Chromebook will remain the property of the Jordan School District and you will need to follow the Acceptable Use Policy in order to use the computers and Chromebooks provided by our school. Be sure to read the policy in its entirety, and ask an adult if you have any questions or concerns. Students should bring their Chromebook to school daily, fully charged. Students who do not bring their Chromebook may check out a Chromebook from the library either before school or during class changes. Chromebooks will not be checked out during class time.

  • Expectations for Storage & Safety
    • Chromebooks are the student's responsibility once checked out to them.
    • Chromebooks may be taken home.
    • Chromebooks may be kept at school and secured in the student’s locker overnight or checked into a teacher.
    • Chromebooks need to be fully charged by the student so they can be used daily. 
  • Loss or Damage of Chromebook
    • Students will immediately report any malfunctions or damage of the Chromebook to a classroom teacher or administrative staff member at school. 
  • The parent/student will be responsible for the repair/replacement cost of any damage to the Chromebook.  Prices are approximate and may change based on current pricing.
    • Chromebook $300
    • Upper Cover Damage $50
    • Lower Cover Damage $50
    • Bezel Damage $35
    • Screen replacement $60
    • Charger (AC adapter) $50
    • Keyboard $100
    • Carrying Case $10
  • Refusal of Chromebook Checkout
    • Should a parent/guardian refuse the option of having their student check out a Chromebook; the student will check out a Chromebook each morning from the library, but will not be allowed to take a device home.
  • Chromebook User Agreement


Citizenship grades reflect who you are as a member of the Hawk Nation. Good citizenship is acting with respectful, responsible behavior toward others. Getting a good citizenship grade is just as important as getting good grades. Your citizenship grade will be determined by a rubric.

Citizenship Rubric

Behavior Standard 4

(Needs Improvement)

Participation I participate in classroom activities without being asked, listen respectfully and encourage participation from others. I participate in classroom activities when asked and listen respectfully to others.  I rarely participate in classroom activities even when asked to do so or am a distraction to others. I do not participate in classroom activities and prevent others from participating.
Late Work I have 0-1 late or missing assignments /assessments I have 2-3 late or missing assignments/ assessments I have 4-5 late or missing assignments/ assessments I have 6 or more late or missing assignments/ assessments
Following Rules I follow classroom rules and procedures without being reminded, and I help others follow rules I follow classroom rules and procedures most of the time but occasionally have to be reminded  I follow classroom rules and procedures but need frequent reminders and redirection to do so I rarely follow classroom rules and procedures
*Any behavioral referral results in an automatic score of 1*
Tardiness I have 0-1 tardies I have 2-3 tardies I have 4-5 tardies I have more than 5 tardies


HVMS is a closed campus, meaning you may not leave the campus during the school day without following the proper checkout procedures. Student visitors are not allowed at school. Students are not allowed to have food delivered via DoorDash, UberEats, etc. Adult visitors must obtain a visitor pass from the main office. Parents wishing to attend a class must obtain the permission of the principal and the teacher prior to their visit. See Check in/Check out procedures.


We encourage and teach appropriate behavior while at school. When misbehavior occurs we work together with the student and parents to regulate, learn from mistakes, repair the harm, and return to the learning environment. This can happen in various ways including conferences with an administrator, teacher, and/or parent, an apology, restitution, class schedule changes, a referral to a counselor, etc.

More specific consequences for misbehavior include, but are not limited to:

  • Responsible Thinking- The student has the opportunity to take time out and reflect on his/her behavior and work with his/her teachers to be successful in class. 
  • Lunch detention: The student has the opportunity to work on coursework or engage in community service during lunchtime. He/she will not be with peers during this time.
  • Community service: The student will help the custodial staff or classroom teachers with various responsibilities.
  • In-School Suspension: The student is removed from the regular learning environment for one or more class periods and has the opportunity to work on academic work in a self-contained environment. 
  • Hawk Success: The student is removed from the regular learning environment where he/she will work on academic tasks along with a variety of other interventions that give the student the opportunity to repair harm.  This structured time is designed around what the student needs most.  Hawk Success can be used as a transition back after an out-of-school suspension. In some circumstances, students may need to earn their way back into the regular classroom environment.
  • Out-of-school suspension: The student is sent home for one or more days.
  • District-level hearing: The student is sent to Jordan School District authorities to determine if he/she will be allowed to continue attending HVMS, attend a different school, and/or receive additional interventions.
  • Police involvement: The police will determine the consequences for the student.

The administration reserves the right to use a combination of these consequences or other creative methods for addressing discipline issues.


Dangerous items that can physically harm someone have no place in school. Consequences for bringing such items to school are very serious and can include suspension and police involvement. Dangerous items include but are not limited to anything that can physically harm such as:

  • Things that stab, cut, or puncture, like a knife, pin, etc.
  • Things that shoot objects, like a gun, slingshot, airsoft gun, etc.
  • Things that explode, like fireworks, poppers, snaps, etc.
  • Things that burn, like a cigarette lighter, matches, candles, sparklers, pepper spray, etc.

Even if you bring a facsimile (fake, look-alike, or replica) of a dangerous item, you face the same consequences. If you suspect another student has brought or plans to bring a dangerous item to school, tell an adult immediately. You can report it anonymously through the Safe UT app. If you bring a weapon to school by accident (for instance, you had a knife in your backpack from a camping trip), bring it to an administrator immediately, and do not show it to anyone.


Be careful with what you do on electronic devices. Anything you text or post online -- words, pictures, or videos -- might be viewed by anybody. Only post or send comments/pictures that you would be comfortable showing your parent. Cyberbullying is illegal and may result in school and police consequences.

It is against the law for you to bring, possess, participate in, share, or show sexting or pornography while at school, whether in printed matter, on an electronic device, or on social media. Consequences for doing so include parent contact, suspension, confiscation, police involvement and other serious consequences. 


You will receive department disclosure statements regarding classwork expectations, grading requirements, homework policies, citizenship responsibilities, etc. This should be signed by your parent/guardian and returned.


Everyone wants and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Refusing to follow a reasonable directive by a teacher, administrator, or other school personnel is considered insubordination.  It harms school culture and has no place in the Hawk’s Nest. 


We expect you to follow the dress code as established by Jordan School District. It is not meant to be inclusive as styles and fashion trends change over time, but should be used as a reference for what is and is not acceptable at school. The administration reserves the right to determine what is a hazard and/or distraction. The most recent JSD policy can be found by clicking this link.


Emergency drills are required at regular intervals. Whenever the school is evacuated, whether for a drill or an actual emergency, students and teachers will follow incident command procedures.

Threats of violence or disruption, telephone bomb threats, telephone 911 calls, pushing emergency call buttons in classrooms, etc. are considered false emergencies and not allowed. These types of actions may involve school consequences and police involvement. 


Fee waiver forms may be picked up in the main office, or printed from online registration materials. Whether on fee waivers or not, everyone has the opportunity to participate in class- and school-sponsored activities.


Field trips are an integral part of instruction at HVMS and may be provided to enrich or expand learning opportunities for students.  You must be in good standing both in academics and citizenship to participate in field trips.  This means you may not have academic grades below a “C” and no “N’s” or “U’s” in citizenship to participate in field trips. 


Fighting is not allowed at school. If you are in a situation that you fear will become a fight, tell an assistant principal or counselor. They are here to help you peacefully resolve the conflict so that you don’t feel like you have to fight. Injuries, damages, and medical costs associated with fighting are the responsibility of the involved students and their parents. School consequences will be issued for fighting. 


Food and drink other than water are not allowed in the classrooms, halls, gym, auditorium, or locker rooms. Make sure you put away or discard food and drink as school begins, and as you leave the cafeteria after lunch. Food deliveries (UberEats, DoorDash, etc.) to the school for students will not be accepted. Parents are welcome to bring food for their student to the school, but these items will need to be brought into the Attendance Office by the parent. Students will not be permitted to meet parents outside the school or in parking lots to pick up food.


Gang-related activity or the promotion of gang-related behavior at school, or at school-related activities, is not allowed. The administration works with the school resource officer to determine what constitutes gang activity.


HVMS implements a standards-referenced grading model. 80% of a student’s grade will be based on assessments that demonstrate proficiency of state standards and objectives. The remaining 20% will be based on assignments/practice that are given to prepare him or her for these assessments. Student assessments will be scored on a 4, 3, 2, 1 point system. If a student does not demonstrate independent understanding of concepts on assessments, they may receive a 0 for their grade. An untaken assessment may be given a score of 0. This grade will change once the student takes the assessment and demonstrates learning.

Assignments, also called practice, will be scored on a 4, 2, 0 scale with

  • 0 = no evidence/missing;
  • 2 = mostly complete but lacking understanding of key concepts and skills;
  • 4 = complete with a demonstration of understanding of key concepts and skills.

These points will convert to an academic grade at the end of the quarter. Academic grades will be A, B, C, D, I or F, with no plus (+) or minus (-) grades given. There will be no opportunities for extra credit. 

    • HVMS believes in allowing students to demonstrate proficiency. Some students may need more time and/or opportunities to demonstrate this proficiency.  As part of demonstrating proficiency in learning, students are also able to retake/redo assessments. 
  2. You may retake assessments as many times as necessary but you must complete the school assessment retake ticket. All assignments for the assessment must be complete (this may include classwork, test correctives, and/or a retake assignment.)
    • Complete a reteach session with the teacher 
    • Schedule time and date for reassessment
    • Receive teacher’s signature that all retake requirements have been met
    •  Get your parent's signature once the reassessment date has been established
    • Retake your scheduled assessment
    There is no academic penalty for turning in late assignments.
    • Your teachers may identify and provide notification of major projects (assessments) that will not be accepted late (i.e., book reports, science projects, final essays, presentations, etc.). 
    • End-of-quarter deadlines will be set and enforced to meet grade reporting deadlines.

You may earn an Honors Designation in Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies classes. To earn this designation you will need to complete additional application-based projects as determined by your teacher. 


Hall passes should be used minimally so that you can focus on your learning. During class time, you are permitted to use a hall pass (one student per hall pass) when you have teacher permission, and only after the first 10 minutes of each class period. In addition, you may not use hall passes during the last 10 minutes of class.


Harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct of an offensive nature that is demeaning or derisive or occurs substantially because of race, color, ethnic background, national origin, religion, gender, creed, age, citizenship or disability and which creates a hostile educational environment. This includes conduct that is verbal and non-verbal. Harassment shall include one or more of the three levels described in JSD Policy AS94. If conduct is clearly offensive only one incident may be necessary to establish harassment. Allegations of harassment are taken seriously and will be investigated as outlined in the Policy AS94. Consequences for harassment may include, but are not limited to, alternate learning environments in the school, no contact contract, out of school suspension, and police involvement.


If you miss three or more days of school because of illness, parents may request homework by contacting the attendance office at 801-412-1060. Please allow 24 hours between the time the request is made and the time the homework is picked up.


It is against the law for you to possess, use, share, sell, or distribute illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco (this includes e-cigarettes) and related paraphernalia. Consequences include parent contact, police involvement, suspension, removal from school, and a required drug offenders class.  HVMS follows the JSD drug and alcohol policy AS90.  The most recent policy can be found by clicking this link.


HVMS believes that the best academic intervention occurs in the classroom. We also recognize that students often need additional support and time not available in the regular classroom. School-wide interventions include ATTACK Time, TA tutoring, after-school tutoring, and study hall. Many of these interventions take place during Teacher Advisory (TA) time which is during your 6th-period class. Teachers will request students who need additional time and support. Students may also request to attend another teacher's class. If students' grades fall below a "C" the ability to request extension activities may be revoked. On days when regular TA is in session, students not in need of specific interventions will be expected to participate in various teacher-led activities.


If you know that some dangerous or illegal activity is going to happen or did happen, you are responsible to tell the police, administration, or Safe UT app. This includes fighting, drugs, weapons, pornography, etc. If you do not report it, you face school consequences and police involvement. If you film or attend an illegal activity -- even if you don’t participate -- you also face school consequences and police involvement. This policy applies to activities that occur during school hours, on the way to/from school, or at a district-sponsored activity (field trips, evening performances, bus stops, etc.).


The LMC is open for student use daily from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. The LMC has a variety of books, reference materials, and magazines. Students may visit the LMC before and after school and during passing periods. During class periods, if a student is to visit the library, the teacher must issue the student a pass. Students are also encouraged to come in during their lunch period but must obtain a library lunch pass from the librarian. Food and drinks are not allowed in the LMC. Books may be checked out for a period of 15 school days, and two renewals are allowed. A fine of 10¢ per school day is charged on all overdue books. You will be required to pay for lost books. See the school’s library home page for more information.


Locker guidelines:

  • Use your own locker -- not somebody else’s.
  • Keep your combination to yourself. Don’t run the risk of getting something stolen or damaged, or having somebody put something in there that could get you in trouble.
  • Design a strategy where you have to go to your locker only a few times a day.
  • Keep your locker clean and free of damage.
  • Leave valuable items at home, such as large sums of money, expensive electronic devices, etc.
  • Please note: Lockers (including lockers in the locker rooms) are school property and can be searched at any time, even without your knowledge.


HVMS is not responsible for the loss of personal items. You bring them to school at your own risk. If you choose to bring personal items to school, it is a good idea to put your name on them. If you lose an item, other than those that are discouraged at school:

  1. Retrace your steps.
  2. Check the lost and found in the attendance office.
  3. Fill out an incident report in the attendance office, and the administration will assist you.


Students can add money to lunch accounts by making a cash deposit in the main office or via credit card through Skyward. Money needs to be turned in by 10:00 a.m. for same-day credit.


You may have in school up to an 8-hour dosage of prescription (must be your own) or over-the-counter medication. Make sure your medication is clearly labeled with what kind of medication it is. Do not share your medication (even over-the-counter medication, such as Tylenol) with anybody at school.  If you have more than an 8-hour dosage on your person or distribute the medication to other students, you will be subject to Jordan District drug and alcohol consequences.

The full policy can be found by clicking this link.

If you need to store your prescription medication at school, get a form from the attendance office (it will require a doctor-signed note indicating dosage, method, and schedule, and a note from a parent/guardian requesting that the medication be administered during school hours). These medications will be stored in a secure location for you. You may have an asthma inhaler, EpiPen or insulin with you.


Hidden Valley Middle School and Jordan School District do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, beliefs, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity in any educational program or activity. JSD Policy AS94.


Hidden Valley Middle School provides parking for faculty, staff and visitors only. Hidden Valley Middle School students should not park any motorized vehicle, such as, cars, trucks, golf carts, Vespa type scooters, motorcycles, ATVs, Razors, or similar vehicles on school property.


PTSA contributes to student success by providing and supporting enrichment activities and school improvement projects. PTSA membership dues are $7.00 a person per year. That money is used to help fund PTSA-supported school activities, counseling programs, teacher appreciation activities, and school/teacher needs. The PTSA encourages each parent and student to be a member of the organization. Parents and grandparents are encouraged to become actively involved in volunteer programs available at HVMS.

A student memory book is compiled and provided as the PTSA fundraiser each year. Student ID pictures and school event photographs are included in the book. The cost of the memory book is $35 if you order it before January 6, 2025. After that, the cost is $40 and is subject to availability. Pre-ordering is the only way to guarantee that you will receive a memory book. 


Public displays of affection that are inappropriate for a middle school environment are not allowed.


Report cards are available online at the end of each quarter. A Skylert message will be sent home when grades have been finalized. Fourth-quarter report cards will be mailed home. Midterm progress reports are posted in the middle of each quarter. A Skylert message will be sent to notify you that midterm grades are available. Failing notices are sent electronically by Skyward approximately two weeks before the end of each quarter to parents of students who have any Ds or Fs. If you would like an official transcript/report card at the end of a quarter, you may request one from the Counseling Center.


HVMS recognizes that under some circumstances a schedule change may be required, but these are very rare. Schedule changes will not be made to accommodate lunches. Students may request a schedule change during the first week of school and again during the first week of the second semester.  After the first week of school, an administrator must approve all student-requested class changes. Requests for a schedule change can be made in the Counseling Center.


School hours are as follows:

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Friday: 10:00 am- 3:00 pm

Teachers will be available starting at 7:35 am (9:35 am on Fridays). Prior to that time, students must remain either in the cafeteria or library. After that time, students may enter the classroom areas. Unless you are working with a teacher, you must leave the building and be off campus by 3:10 pm. HVMS cannot provide adult supervision after these times.


If you are sick enough to leave class, you must get teacher's permission and go to the attendance office. You may lie down in the sick room for up to 10 minutes, after which you will be sent back to class. If you are too ill to remain in school, your parent or guardian will be contacted. If you are sick and need to go home, you must call home from the attendance office. Only a parent or family/emergency contact listed on Skyward may check you out according to the attendance policy in this handbook.


Once you are on school property, walk or carry your skateboard, bike, scooter, etc. Otherwise, it may be confiscated and your parent/guardian contacted. Scooters and skateboarding are not permitted inside of the school.


Both parents and students will receive a Skyward login ID and password in order to view current grades, missing assignments, and attendance information. Your ID and password will be mailed to you at the beginning of the school year. The website for Skyward is:


Student officers are elected each year to serve and represent the entire student body in student activity decisions. Freshman and eighth-grade officers are elected in the spring (for the following school year), and seventh-grade officers are elected in the fall. To be eligible for office, students must have a 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA and maintain a 3.0 GPA for the entire school year. They must meet citizenship requirements, with no N’s or U’s during the quarter preceding the election or while in office. They must also show exemplary behavior at all times. Any student who does not meet these requirements may be subject to probation or removal from the student government office. More information concerning elections will be available at election time.


The student services center (Counseling Center) is located near the attendance office. The student services center can help you with educational or personal needs. Students, parents, and staff members are encouraged to seek assistance by contacting the registrar for appointments. A school psychologist is also available. Students are assigned to a school counselor according to the first letter of their last name. Our counselors are:

Ms. Johnson (last names A-Ch)

Ms. Sullivan (last names Ci-G)

Ms. Armas (last names H-O)

Mr. DeVries (last names P-Z)

Mrs. Jacobs (school psychologist)

Mr. Hale  (social worker)


A student who is suspended from school may not be penalized academically for non-attendance during days of suspension. Students are encouraged to continue to complete classwork via Canvas during a suspension. Make-up work will be provided for suspended students upon their return to school and must be completed within the time requirements of the individual teacher.  If you are suspended, you are not allowed on any Jordan District school grounds, nor are you allowed to participate in any activities during the period of the suspension, such as field trips and evening performances.


Using school-owned technology is a privilege. Use all technology responsibly and respectfully, and only for classwork. If you damage your Chromebook (or somebody else’s), you may be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement. Any inappropriate use of technology may result in school consequences and police involvement. Each student will be responsible to sign a technology user agreement.


If you take anything that doesn’t belong to you, that is considered theft (or stealing). Stealing any school or personal property is against the law and will result in school consequences and police involvement.


Vandalism is the destruction or defacement of school or personal property. All acts of vandalism will be investigated and appropriate action taken, including possible police involvement.


Any vulgar or profane language, pictures, videos, gestures, or associated actions are inappropriate for any school environment and are not allowed. This includes sexting and pornography, whether stored on an electronic device or in the cloud. The teacher or administrator will take appropriate disciplinary action.

Link to Handbook (Including schoolwide consequences for behavior)